rtual Pr ivate Ne twork has be come a po pular to ol to pr otect on line in formation. Any in ternet us er can do wnload a VPN app to en crypt th eir tr affic and get a se cure co nnection. Ho wever, ch oosing the be st VPN ne eds so me ti me and research.
er the pa st few ye ars, a my riad of new se rvices ap peared on the ma rket. And ea ch of th em has pr os and co ns. So le t’s ha ve a br ief re view of the mo st po pular VP Ns and co mpare th em in the fo llowing ca tegories: co nnection sp eed and se rvers, pr icing po licy, re liability, and cu stomer support.
limited is a se cure VPN so lution de veloped by Ke epSolid, an ex pert in on line se curity si nce 20 13. Fa st sp eed, strong en cryption, and co mplete pr ivacy are gu aranteed. But le t’s ha ve a cl oser look. DownloadTh
anks to up -to-date te chnologies, co nnection sp eed and st ability wi ll ne ver let you do wn. 50 0+ se rvers in 80+ lo cations wi ll en sure the be st pe rformance wh erever you are.
icing policy
A fl
exible pr icing po licy al lows you to ch oose a pl an th at su its yo u. VPN Un limited of fers pl ans for 1 mo nth, 1 ye ar, 3 ye ars, and Li fetime. You wi ll al ways get a 7- day fr ee tr ial and a 30 -day mo ney-back guarantee.
liability and security
limited pr ovides strong mi litary-grade en cryption pr otocols. All yo ur tr affic wi ll be pr otected fr om th ird pa rties and yo ur lo cation wi ll st ay untracked.
stomer Support
limited cu stomer su pport is re ady to he lp you via em ail or Li ve Ch at 24 /7. You can ask any qu estions ab out the pe rformance of the app and you wi ll re ceive he lp as so on as possible.
Do wnload VPN
nnection sp eed and servers
rdVPN of fers 5, 400+ se rvers in 60 co untries and al lows 6 de vices co nnected si multaneously. The us er ex perience is de cent, th ough it has so me as pects to wo rk at. For in stance, a gr aphical ap plication for Li nux us ers is not available.
icing policy
rdVPN has a few op tions av ailable in cluding su bscriptions for one mo nth, one ye ar, and two ye ars. A li fetime su bscription is not available.
liability and security
rdVPN im plements st andard AE S-256 al gorithms. You are al so al lowed to en crypt yo ur tr affic tw ice wi th the Do uble VPN fe ature th at ro utes yo ur tr affic th rough two VPN se rvers in stead of on e. But it can af fect yo ur co nnection speed.
stomer Support
You can fi
nd pl enty of ma nuals and in structions on the No rdVPN we bsite and cr eate a ti cket to cu stomer su pport via email.
Do wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
rfshark al lows to co nnect an un limited nu mber of de vices per one ac count, ma ny pl atforms are su pported, but so metimes sp eed dr opdowns wi th Op enVPN pr otocol can happen.
Pr icing policy
rfshark of fers 3 pl ans: for one mo nth, one ye ar, and two ye ars. All the pu rchases ha ve a 30 -day mo ney-back guarantee.
Re liability and security
reGuard, Op enVPN, and IK Ev2 are ra ther po pular and pr etty st andard VPN pr otocols for any VPN se rvice. Su rfshark is not an exception.
Cu stomer Support
ch li ke ma ny VPN pr oviders, Su rfshark of fers em ail and Li ve Ch at cu stomer su pport in ca se you fa ce any issues.
Do wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
oton VPN has 500 se rvers in on ly 40+ co untries in the ba sic pl an, but the co nnection sp eed is pr etty go od and stable.
Pr icing policy
oton VPN has a fl exible but un clear pr icing po licy. You re ceive the st andard be nefits of a VPN se rvice on ly in the pr emium plan.
Re liability and security
oton VPN im plements st andard en cryption al gorithms and has a st rict no -log po licy. All ap ps are op en-source and audited.
Cu stomer Support
ers ad mit th at cu stomer su pport is not pe rfect and ne eds so me im provement. But you can al ways le ave a su pport re quest on th eir website.
Do wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
berGhost of fers ar ound 8, 000 se rvers in 90 -odd co untries. The se rvice de monstrates de cent sp eed wi th Wi reGuard and Op enVPN protocols.
Pr icing policy
berGhost of fers 4 su bscription pl ans for 1 mo nth, 1 ye ar, 2 ye ars, and a pr omo pl an for 3 ye ars+3 months.
Re liability and security
The Cy
berGhost se rvice im plements up -to-date en cryption al gorithms but it do esn’t ha ve a pr ivacy po licy audit.
Cu stomer Support
ving a gr eat su pport si te me ans mu ch no wadays, but Cy berGhost ca n’t im press wi th it. Th ough Li ve Ch at su pport is st ill available.
Do wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
ough the nu mber of se rvers av ailable ex ceeds 10 00, the nu mber of re gions su pported ha rdly re aches 50. The co nnection sp eed is pr etty st andard, but the Wi reGuard pr otocol is st ill absent.
Pr icing policy
nnelBear of fers 3 pl ans: Fr ee, Un limited, and Te ams. The Fr ee pl an of fers on ly 500 MB of tr affic for se cure browsing.
Re liability and security
nnelBear’s be nefit is pr ivacy. The co mpany hi res in dependent sp ecialists to run a pu blic se curity au dit on its se rvers, sy stems, and code.
Cu stomer Support
nnelBear la cks on line ar ticles and co mpletely mi sses li ve ch at su pport. Th ough FAQ and se tup gu ides are av ailable on the website.
Do wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
pressVPN of fers 3, 000+ in 94 co untries wi th pr etty st andard and st able co nnection speed.
Pr icing policy
pressVPN pr icing po licy is ab ove av erage. It of fers pl ans for 1 mo nth, 6 mo nths, and 12 mo nths. The Li fetime op tion is absent.
Re liability and security
The se
rvice im plements in dustry-standard 25 6-bit en cryption and its own op en-sourced Li ghtway pr otocol. You can st ill ch oose Op enVPN, but IK Ev2 and L2 TP/IPsec are not su pported anymore.
Cu stomer Support
pressVPN’s Cu stomer Su pport is pr etty st able. The we bsite is st uffed wi th va rious gu ides ab out the app as well.
Do wnload VPN
nnection sp eed and servers
rton VPN has 10 00+ se rvers in 30 co untries. The sp eeds are re latively go od but so me no ticeable dr ops can be re gistered de pending on yo ur location.
Pr icing policy
rton VPN su bscription pl ans may di ffer de pending on the nu mber of de vices you wa nt to us e. Pl ans for 1, 5, or 10 de vices on a mo nthly and an nual ba sis are available.
Re liability and security
The im
plemented pr otocols de pend on the pl atform you us e. Op enVPN is us ed in Wi ndows and An droid ap ps, and L2 TP/IPSec is us ed in ma cOS and iOS applications.
Cu stomer Support
The fo
llowing su pport op tions are av ailable to yo u: li ve ch at, on line he lp ar ticles, FA Qs, and tutorials.
Do wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
ndscribe VPN has lo cations ac ross 60+ co untries, but its 40 0-odd se rvers are fe wer th an wh at ot her pr oviders us ually offer.
Pr icing policy
ndscribe VPN has a 1- year and 1- month pl an. The se rvice al so of fers a Bu ild Pl an op tion, wh ere you can ch oose se rvers on yo ur own.
Re liability and security
enVPN, IK Ev2, and Wi reGuard pr otocols are su pported by the se rvice. Pr etty st andard for to day’s VPN.
Cu stomer Support
The su
pport pa ge has se tup gu ides, FA Qs, and a kn owledge ba se. But th ere’s no 24 /7 su pport, so any qu estions you can ha ve wi ll not be an swered instantly.
Do wnload VPN
nnection sp eed and servers
ere’s no fi xed ne twork of se rvers in Ho la VP N. The ro ute yo ur tr affic ta kes wi ll ch ange ev ery ti me, and yo ur sp eed can be af fected unexpectedly.
Pr icing policy
la VPN of fers va rious pr icing pl ans. You can ch oose be tween Ba sic (f ree), Pr emium, and Ul tra ve rsions of Ho la VP N. But ke ep in mi nd th at the fr ee ve rsion do esn’t use encryption.
Re liability and security
la VPN on ly ma sks br owser tr affic but do esn’t pr otect it the way ot her VP Ns do. It us es a P2P ne twork to pr ovide se rvices. Us ers co ntribute th eir de vice re sources to the po ol of re sidential IPs in ex change for fr ee browsing.
Cu stomer Support
la VPN of fers Cu stomer Su pport via em ail and an FAQ section on the we bsite. Th ere’s no 24 /7 Li ve Ch at, so you wi ll not be ab le to re ceive in stant help.
wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
ban VP N’s sp eeds are not ve ry st able and va ry a lo t. The se rvice has so me so rt of pr oblem th at so metimes sl ows do wn the connection.
Pr icing policy
ban VPN is fr ee, but us ing a fr ee se rvice is al ways a ri sk. Th ere is no cl ear lo gging po licy and sp eed st ability le aves mu ch to be desired.
Re liability and security
nce Ur ban VPN is fr ee, th ere is a ri sk th at yo ur da ta can be co llected and so ld. Th is pu ts yo ur pr ivacy in hu ge danger.
Cu stomer Support
The Ur
ban VPN se rvice of fers no cu stomer su pport. You can ne ither fi nd any FA Qs nor gu ides on the we bsite of the se rvice as well.
wnload VPN
Co nnection sp eed and servers
rbo VPN do esn’t ha ve the sp eed and se rvers to co mpete wi th the bi g-name VP Ns. Co nnection is us ually not st able and sp eed can dr op significantly.
Pr icing policy
rbo VPN of fers 4 su bscription pl ans: for 1 mo nth, 6 mo nths, 1 ye ar, and 2 ye ars. No Li fetime su bscription is available.
Re liability and security
rbo VPN im plements st andard AE S-256 en cryption al gorithms: IK Ev2 and OpenVPN.
Cu stomer Support
rbo VPN has a Li ve Ch at and em ail su pport, but the in formation da tabase is absent.You mu lo to po gged in st a comment.
st be
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